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Occident vist des d'orient / Occidente visto desde oriente


Catalan , Spanish 15€ Buy

Catalogue of West Portrayed by East, an exhibition about the traditional and present-day views of Westerners, Europeans in particular, held by the Islamic East. Historically, Easterners have paid much less attention to Europeans than we have to them; while Orientalism is a cultural tradition in the West, the West rarely features in the creativity of Eastern cultures.

The exhibition looks at how Islam has been divided in its way of viewing the West and highlights how these different viewpoints and attitudes have coexisted throughout history. Rather than alternating in time, conflict, solidarity, interchange and fascination have actually existed alongside each other.

Notes by contemporary artists: Zoulikha Bouabdellah, Mohamed El Baz, Touhami Ennadre, Jellel Gasteli, Shadi Ghadirian, Khosrow Hassangadeh, Hassan Musa, Bouchra Khalili and Marjane Satrapi.

Authors: Abdelwahab Meddeb, Amina Okada, Annie Vernay-Nouri, Stéphane Yerasimos

Publication year: 2005

Pages: 192

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

Images in B/W and colour: 150

978-84-9803-054-9 (català / castellano)
978-84-8471-095-0 (català / castellano: Fundación Bancaja, 2005)


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