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Federico García Lorca (1898-1936)


Spanish 30,05 € Buy

Everyone knows Lorca. His poetry, his plays, his drawings, his world. But there is also a Lorca who is less public, less accessible, who still conserves all the mystery of the man behind the lines which made him universal. In Lorca's centenary year, this exhibition looks at the poet in an attempt to find the man, reading between the lines to get to know the more private Lorca who inevitably evades us and slips through our fingers.

The exhibition catalogue is a reflection of this look at García Lorca and his work, but above all of the man and his life, with texts, essays, testimonies, documents, paintings and photographs, and it does so by means of four recurrent themes in his life: the cities he saw, his friends and the success and the loneliness of the poet.

Authors: Marie Laffranque, Ian Gibson, Miguel García-Posada, Andrew A. Anderson, Luís García Montero, Agustín Sánchez Vidal, Nigel Dennis, Antonio Monegal, Andrés Soria Olmedo

Publication year: 1998

Pages: 251

Dimensions: 24 × 30 cm.

Images in B/W and colour: 250

84-89162-98-0 (castellano)

TF Editores

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