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Després de la notícia / Después de la noticia / After the news

Post-media documentary Practices


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A fact, a happening, an event and a piece of news are not the same thing. To the extent that the news, obsessed with the very latest developments, also leads to disinformation.

The new documentary practices are no longer the exclusive territory of the professional informant. They are represented by artists, film-makers, novelists, visual anthropologists, amateur ethnographers and anonymous citizens who place their images in circulation. Unlike what happens in the dominant media, these documentaries superpose the moments of the information and of debate. They are ways of intervening in reality, a new activism of representation.

Images of: Allan Sekula, Stanley Greene, Article Z, Bruno Serralongue, Asier Mendizábal, Iñaki Garmendia, Ursula Biemann and Angela Sanders, Chantal Akerman, Hannah Collins, Vahida Ramujkic and Laia Sadurní, Joaquín Jordá, Johan van der Keuken, Alan Berliner, Péter Forgács and The Labyrinth Project.

Authors: Carles Guerra

Publication year: 2003

Pages: 96

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

Images in B/W and colour: 90

978-84-7794-941-1 (català / castellano / english)

CCCB, Institut d’Edicions de la Diputació de Barcelona

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