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Cultura porqueria / Cultura basura

Una espeleologia del gust / Una espeleología del gusto


Catalan , Spanish 15€ Buy

Yielding to the strange beauty of a side-show freak. Giving in to the jagged pleasure of listening to a Mozart aria being murdered by the voice of Florence Foster Jenkins. Not believing your own eyes when the tacky flying saucers in an Ed Wood film come through the screen of a local cinema. Succumbing to the disarming ingenuity of a painting by a serial killer. All of these paranormal phenomena of taste have something in common: they are just some of the possible faces of trash culture.

Painting, music, television... The products of trash culture are those that official culture brands as aberrant, but which the consumer, by means of irony, can elevate to the category of fascinating. A catalogue to discover a process of aesthetic enjoyment that is becoming a more and more everyday experience.

Includes the DVD "Living la vida basura."

Authors: Jordi Costa, Pedro Calleja, Rodrigo Fresán, Irwin Chusid, Sergi Pàmies, Mondo Brutto, Àlex Z

Publication year: 2003

Pages: 192

Dimensions: 17 × 24 cm.

Images in B/W and colour: 200

978-84-7794-927-5 (català / castellano)


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