Xavier Theros
Writer, poet and anthropologist
Xavier Theros is a writer, poet and a graduate in Anthropology. In 1991 he co-founded with Rafael Metlikovez the scenic poetry group Accidents Polipoètics, with which he has performed in theatres and festivals in Catalonia, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Colombia and Mexico. They have staged several shows and published together the poetry books Más triste es robar (1997) and Todos tenemos la razón (2003), and the CD Polipoesía urbana de pueblo (1995), collaborated on several projects with La Fura dels Baus and the dance company Sol Picó. As a poet he has given several courses and workshops on oral poetry, he has staged two shows single handed and he has shared the stage with poets such as Joan Brossa, Enric Casasses, Jordi Pope, Josep Palau i Fabre and Jesús Lizano. He is also the author of articles and tales published in Diari de Barcelona, Deia and El Periódico de Catalunya. He is currently a regular collaborator in the Catalan edition of the newspaper El País. He has published the historical essay Burla, escarnio y otras diversiones (2004), about the humour of the Middle Ages. He has also published stories about shipwrecks in Guía turística de Las Batidos (2003) and Viaje al archipiélago de Las Batidos (2007); the humorous dictionary Diccionario Inconveniente (2003); and the journalistic essay La Sisena Flota a Barcelona, published by the editorial La Campana in 2010 and he is the winner of the 3rd Premi Huertas Claveria for written journalism; and Barcelona a cau d'orella (2013).
Update: 2 July 2020