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Teresa W

She graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona, where she is currently studying for a Master's Degree in Artistic Production and Research. Situated in the limits of language, she is interested in discovering how we can dialogue without words, how we can extend communication through affections, bonds, relationships. Halfway between performance, sound art and graphics, her pieces aim to open a space of experimentation, in which she constantly tries to expand the traditional idea of communication. Her work has been a finalist for the Guasch-Coranty Foundation 2021 Scholarship for Artistic Creation and the FAD Art Awards 2021, and has received the Linguistic Quality Award for Final Degree Work by the University of Barcelona (2019). She has resided in printmaking spaces such as Tinta invisible or the School of Art of Terrassa, and has held group exhibitions in several centers, such as the Design Museum of Barcelona or the Esther Montoriol Gallery. This year she is collaborating with the CCCB, the Pompidou Center and the HKW in Berlin with the European project “Cultures d'Avenir”.

Update: 28 February 2022

Has participated in

Something has entered some verse

Central event of the World Poetry Day 2022