Sonia Fernández-Vidal
Researcher and science communicator
A lecturer in the Department of Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), where she obtained a PhD in quantum optics and quantum information, she also works as a scientific populariser. She has carried out research in some of the world’s most prestigious centres, among them CERN (Switzerland), Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA), and the Institute of Photonic Sciences (Barcelona), and is an elected academician of the Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED). As a writer and scientific populariser she works to make science enjoyable, exciting, and easy to understand and, in this project, has written several novels for young people and books popularising physics, among them La Porta dels Tres Panys (The Door with Three Locks, Estrella Polar, 2017)—considered to be the first novel to explain quantum physics to readers of all ages—Quantic Love (La Galera, 2012), and L’univers a la mà (The Universe in the Hand, La Galera, 2015). Always very well received by public and critics alike, some of her books have been translated into more than ten languages. She is also co-founder and Director of Innovation and Strategy in the company Gauss & Neumann, as well as regularly lecturing on how to convert businesses into research laboratories.
Update: 27 March 2019