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Shaina Joy Machlus

Escritora y periodista

A writer, journalist and translator, Machlus is an English teacher at Elisava, School of Design and Engineering of Barcelona. She has a degree in Biology and Health Sciences. Her first book, La paraula més sexi és sí (L’Altra Editorial, 2019), uses the fanzine format to address a variety of issues related to gender, feminism and sexual education, with special emphasis on consent and the culture of rape. She also participated in the collaborative volume ¿Y qué hacemos con los violadores? (Descontrol Editorial, 2020), which features various reflections on the role of transformative justice in the face of sexist violence. She is the founder of the Ricarda Editorial publishing house, a project whose goal is to make known the work of women and artists outside of the category of binary gender. She is a regular columnist for Tom Tom Magazine, Got a Girl Crush and La Directa, and her articles can also be found in digital publications such as Broadly and Afroféminas.

Update: 25 April 2023

Has participated in

Cultures of Consent

With Shaina Joy Machlus, Laura Macaya and Teresa M. Stout

Kosmopolis 2019

10th Amplified Literature Fest