Sebastià Bennasar
Journalist, writer and cultural agitator
Sebastià Benassar holds a degree in Humanities from UPF, Sebastià Benassar has published some 40 works, including poetry, short stories, a crime novel and an essay. Notable works include the crime novel El somriure dels guepards [The Leopard’s Smile] (Editorial Alrevés,, 2022), the poetry collection La batalla de les Ardenes [The Battle of the Bulge] (Ajuntament d'Alberic, 2022), Francesc Badenes Dalmau Award for Poetry 2021, and the essay Manuel de Pedrolo, manual de supervivència [Manuel de Pedrolo: A Survivor’s Manual] (Meteora, 2018). He has given lectures and taught seminars and summer courses on crime novels and the Catalan culture and language in various European universities. As a journalist, he has worked with various media outlets such as the newspapers Balearis and Diari de Balears, where he served as the head of Culture and with the supplement “L’Espira”. He is currently a contributor to Vilaweb. He has also coordinated the crime novel collections for Pagès Editors and Editorial Milenio and, together with Carles Domènec, he is director of the magazine Bearn dedicated to the promotion of literature in Catalan.
Update: 14 September 2022