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Roberto Massó

Artist and comic author

Known for his search for new stylistic and narrative paths, Robert Massó has published several books including Medieval rangers (2014), Cadencia ("Cadence", Fosfatina Ediciones, 2019), El ruido secreto ("The secret noise", Spiderland/Snake, 2017), Una charca en la orilla del fin del mundo ("A pool on the shore of the end of the world", 2019), and Vida rana ("Frog life", Apa Apa Cómics, 2021). In 2021 he took part in Jorge Carrión Todos los museos son novelas de ciencia ficción ("All museums are science fiction novels"), an exhibition at the José Guerrero Center, Granada, that transformed the space into literary fiction. Since 2017, he has worked as a teacher in an art school trying to ensure that his students make the same errors as he has.

Update: 8 January 2024

Has participated in


An installation of Roberto Massó's graphic novel