Patricia Tamayo
Filmmaker and film researcher
Patricia Tamayo is a filmmaker and film researcher. She studied psychology and specialised in the behaviour of humans and other primates at the Universitat de Girona and the Mona Foundation. She trained to be a film researcher at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and studied film narrative at Alessandro Baricco’s Scuola Holden.
She gained an insight into creative processes by collaborating with the Universitat de Barcelona, Drac Màgic cooperative, Citilab civic lab and La Mandarina de Newton, among others. Working together with cinematographer Albert Badia, she wrote and directed the documentary series Escala 1:5, on renovation work at the new Sala Beckett, Barcelona; the short film La cappella del mattino (Venice Biennale), following the work of Flores & Prats architecture studio; and the group feature Shanghai brillaba entre líneas (Festival Márgenes), on the life of Barcelona artist Dídac Alcaraz.
Together with Albert Badia, she is currently directing her second documentary feature, Casa Bloc, rehabilitació d’una idea, produced by 15L Films and Televisió de Catalunya.
Update: 1 June 2021