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Núria Güell

Núria Güell was born in 1981 in Vidreres, Spain. With a stance geared towards generating mechanisms for dissidence, her work tackles and reformulates the limits of legality, detecting abuses of power committed by the institutions that govern us through established legality and hegemonic morality. Flirting with the established powers, the privileges of the world of art and complicity with different allies are the resources on which her artistic operations are based. These, diluting themselves on the boundaries of her own life, are developed as disruptive tactics within specific contexts with the objective of subverting the relations of established powers.

An Arts Graduate from the University of Barcelona, she continues her studies as Chair Professor of the Art of Conduct in Havana (Cuba) under the direction of Tania Bruguera. Her work has been exhibited at the Havana Biennial and in Pontevedra, Ljubljana, Liverpool, Athens and Gothenburg along with the Triennial of Tallinn and that of Sorocaba as well as at museums in Barcelona, The Hague, Madrid, ’s-Hertogenbosch, Paris, New York, Chicago, Miami, Formigine, London, Stockholm, Istanbul, Leipzig, Bucharest, Zagreb, Cali, Lima, Berlin, Graz and Vienna; she has also collaborated with various selfmanaged social centres.

Has participated in

Sebald Variations

The Art of Storytelling