Nadia Ghulam
Nadia Ghulam was both witness to and victim of the civil war in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of Soviet combat forces when she was a child. She was directly afflicted by the conflict as she was badly wounded and then had to pass as a boy for ten years in order to be able work and support her family. In 2006, thanks to an international aid programme, she arrived in Barcelona and became involved in a range of activities with the aim of making known Afghan culture and also the situation of women in the country. Nadia Ghulam is co-author of Contes que em van curar (Stories That Cured me, Columna, 2014), La primera estrella del vespre (The First Star of Evening, Rosa dels Vents, 2016), and the novel El secret del meu turbant (My Turban’s Secret, Columna, 2010), which received the Prudenci Bertrana Prize for the Novel in 2010. Moreover, with the aim of recounting her experiences, she has worked on the play Nadia, which is to be performed by the theatre troupe La Conquesta del Pol Sud (The Conquest of the South Pole) .
Update: 5 September 2019