Miriam Reyes
Poet, editor, translator, and video creator
A poet, editor, translator, and video creator, she studied at the Central University of Venezuela and the University of Barcelona. She has published the poetry collections Espejo negro (Black Mirror, DVD, 2001), Bella durmiente (Sleeping Beauty, Hiperión, 2004), Desalojos (Evictions, Hiperión, 2008), Haz lo que te digo (Do What I Tell You, Bartleby, 2015), Pensado en frío (Calmly Thought, Malasangre, 2016), and Sardiña (Sardine, Chan da pólvora, 2018). Moreover, she has edited and translated the bilingual Spanish-Galician poetry anthology Punto de ebullición (Boiling Point, FCE, 2015), El guante de plástico rosa (The Pink Plastic Glove, Marisma, 2018) by Dolors Miquel, and Huelga General (General Strike) by Daniel Salgado (Marisma, 2018). Since 2000, Reyes has been combining word and image, thus bringing poetry into other formats like video, and other settings such as performing arts festivals and new technologies.
Update: 15 July 2020