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Miriam Merenciano

Graduated in Human Biology at Pompeu Fabra University, she obtained her PhD in Genetics at the Evolutionary and Functional Genomics Laboratory of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology of CSIC-UPF. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the same laboratory and focuses her research on the study of how organisms adapt to the environment using the fruit fly as a model organism, providing relevant contributions to the understanding of possible changes resulting from the climate crisis. She has always been interested in science communication as a tool to strengthen critical thinking in society and to promote scientific culture among young people and, in particular, to give value to the role of women in science. Apart from the academic field, she collaborates with the science communication platform "La ciència al teu món", organizing workshops and educational activities.

Update: 15 November 2021


Has participated in

Drawing stories, explaining evolution

A conversation between illustration and science