Michela Marzano
(Rome, 1970) is a philosopher and head of the Department of Social Sciences at the Paris Descartes – Paris V University. After studying Philosophy in Pisa and Rome, she obtained a PhD with a thesis on the status of the human body in contemporary society. In 1999 she moved to France and joined the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 2000. She is particularly interested in moral philosophy and politics and has published the following books Malaise dans la sexualité (Malaise in Sexuality, JC Lattès, 2006); La philosophie du corps (Philosophy of the Body, PUF, 2007); Dictionnaire du corps (Dictionary of the Body, PUF, 2007); La fidelidad o el amor al desnudo (Fidelity or Love Stripped Bare, Tusquets, 2008); La violència (Violence, Breus CCCB, 2008); La muerte como espectáculo (Death As a Spectacle, Tusquets, 2010); Programados para triunfar: nuevo capitalismo, gestión empresarial y vida privada (Set to Win: New Capitalism, Business Management and Private Life, Tusquets, 2011); Què és l’ètica aplicada? (What is Applied Ethics? Proteus, 2012); Volevo essere una farfalla(I Want to be a Butterfly, Mondadori, 2011); and Consiento, luego existo. Ética de la autonomía (I Consent, Therefore I Exist: Ethics of Autonomy, Proteus, 2012). She has recently published Éloge de la confiance (In Praise of Trust, Fayard, 2012).
Update: 27 December 2012