Meritxell Gené
Singer and poet
She is a singer, poet, and a graduate in Musical Education from the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Lleida (UdL). Much of her musical production has been devoted to singing the work of poets like Maria Mercè Marçal, Joan Barceló, and Concepció G. Maluquer, and she has made a disc that is wholly devoted to Màrius Torres, Així t’escau la melangia (This Melancholy Becomes You, Khlämor records, 2013), and another one devoted to poets from the Catalan language territories, Branques (Branches, Khlämor records, 2015). Després dels esbarzers (After the Brambles, 2018, Pagès Editors) is her first collection of poems. Her fifth disc, Sa tanca d’allà dins (The Fence Inside) sets her own poems to music.
Update: 19 July 2021