Maurizio Ferraris
Philosopher and creator of the "new realism" movement in contemporary philosophy
Maurizio Ferraris is full professor of Philosophy at the University of Turin, where he is president of the institute of advanced studies Scienza Nuova, in addition to being president, since 2016, of the university’s Labont Center for Ontology, which he headed from 1999 to 2015. He is editor of the prestigious philosophical journal Rivista di Estetica and member of the advisory boards of several academic publications. He has written more than fifty books, notable amongst which are Manifesto of new realism (SUNY UP, 2014; in Spanish, Manifesto del nuevo realismo, Biblioteca Nueva, 2013; published in Italy in 2012), La imbecilidad es una cosa seria ("Stupidity is a serious matter", Alianza Editorial, 2018; published in Italy in 2016), Posverdad y otros enigmas ("Post-truth and other enigmas", Alianza Editorial, 2019; published in Italy in 2018), and Doc-Humanity (Mohr Siebrek, 2022; in Spanish, Documanidad: filosofia del mundo nuevo, Alianza Editorial, 2023; published in Italy in 2021). His work is influenced by poststructuralist philosophy.
Update: 18 December 2023