María Folguera
Playwright, stage director and writer, one of the country’s prominent young creators, winner of the 2001 Arte Joven Prize and artistic curator at the Teatro Circo Price in Madrid.
María Folguera (Madrid, 1984) is a playwright, stage director and writer. With her company Ana*Pasadena, she premiered and directed La guerra según Santa Teresa (2013), Hilo debajo del agua (Valle-Inclán Prize for theatrical texts 2009) and El amor y el trabajo, first performed at the 2011 Escena Contemporánea Festival and published in Continta Me Tienes (2012). She is currently director of projects at the Sala Cuarta Pared-Espacio Teatral Contemporáneo and Nuevo Teatro Fronterizo.
As a narrative writer, she has recently been included in the anthologies Última temporada. Nuevos Narradores Españoles 1980-1989 (Lengua de Trapo, 2013) and Bajo treinta. Antología de Nueva Narrativa Española (Salto de página, 2013). Her first published work was the novel Sin Juicio, winner of the 2001 Arte Joven Prize, published by Visor in 2002. Since 2009, she has worked as artistic advisor and cultural manager at the Teatro Circo Price in Madrid, designing the artistic programme.
Update: 19 March 2015