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Marcos Ordóñez

Born in Barcelona in 1957, this prolific writer and journalist has for decades been responsible for some of the best texts written within our borders. His narrative work includes titles such as El signo de los tiempos (1988), La esencia del guaguancó (1991) and Comedia con fantasmas (2002), and the autobiographical Una vuelta por el Rialto (1994) and Un jardín abandonado por los pájaros (El Aleph Editores, 2013). He has contributed to the principal Spanish newspapers and currently combines his work as a teacher with his column for El País newspaper, which has established him as a benchmark theatre critic.

Update: 8 April 2013


Has participated in

Primera Persona 2013

Autobiographic live sessions: pop music concerts, stand-up comedy, theatre and narrative

BCNmp7. Musical Creativity and Cultural Institutions

Session six