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Marcel Pié Barba

Designer and animation producer

Marcel Pié Barba (Barcelona, 1980) is an animation producer, designer and lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona. His interest is centred on the field of experimental animation. His work has been shown in several festivals and museums such as the MACBA, Laboral, CCCB and Caixa Forum. Marcel Pié forms part of the company Estampa SCP, together with Roc Albalat and Pau Artigas, where he works on graphic design, animation and programming for artists and institutions such as Marcel·lí Antunez, Àngels Margarit, Xcèntric and the Premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes.

Estampa Website

Update: 16 November 2020


Has participated in


Xcèntric Archive


Xcèntric Archive