Marc Sarrats
Marc Sarrats (Barcelona, 1990) is a scriptwriter and comedian. His first attempt at stand-up dates back to 2001, when he was in the 6th grade of primary school, but it wasn’t exactly a professional performance, so we’ll say that he performed for the first time in 2013 at the Open Mic session in Bar Mediterraneo.
He has worked as everything from lift mechanic to creative director of Mediapro Studio Barcelona, where he has produced projects such as Hoy No Se Sale, with Ibai Llanos and Kapo 013.
However, the professional field in which he has enjoyed the most success is stand-up comedy, and today he is one of Catalonia’s most well-known comedians. He is part of the El Soterrani team and has performed at the Teatre Victòria, at the Cruïlla Festival and all over the country. He also contributes to the programmes Matina Codina (Rac105) and Está Pasando (Tv3) and has just premiered his one-hour show Alta Flipamenta.
Update: 5 November 2021