Researcher on the efects of oil exploitation in South America and part of the campaign RepsolMata.
Marc Gavaldà has a Bachelor in Arts in Environmental Sciences by the UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and has been researching and documenting the oil environmental conflicts in the Amazonian villages and Patagonia. He is the author of Las manchas del petróleo boliviano (1999) (The Stains of Bolivian Oil), La recolonización (2003) (The Reconolization), Viaje a Repsolandia (2006) (Journey to Repsoland), RepsolYPF: un discurs socialment irresponsable (2007) (RepsolYPF: A Socially Irresponsible Speech), Patagonia Petrolera (Oil Patagonia), and El desierto permanente (2008) (The Permanent Desert). He has carried out documentaries such as Vivir sobre el Pozo (2002) (Living Over the Well), Tentayapi (2005) and Patagonia Petrolera (2008) (Oil Patagonia). He is currently preparing the exhibition Pobles Indígenes i Petroli (Indian Villages and Oil). He is an active member of the Repsolmata campaign as well as member of the Editorial Board of the magazine Ecología Política.