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Mar Griera Llonch


Mar Griera is the Director of the ISOR research group and Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She earned her doctorate in Sociology in 2009 with a thesis, on public policy and religious diversity, that received the Outstanding Thesis Award (2010) from the UAB and the Manuel Sales i Ferré Prize from the Institute of Catalan Studies (2011). Her research has also received additional recognition, such as the Rogeli Duocostella award for social science research from La Caixa (2003), and the IDEES prize for short essays (2010).

Update: 7 December 2017


Has participated in

Instruments of the Soul

Matter and spirit in the Middle Ages and at present

Believing in the 21st Century

Lecture by José Casanova

The return of religion: Globalisation, belief and the public sphere

Lecture by José Casanova and Nilüfer Göle