Laura Llevadot
Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona
A lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona where she is coordinator of the master’s degree in Contemporary Thought and the Classical Tradition, and notable for her expertise in the work of thinkers like Jacques Derrida and Soren Kierkegaard, she mainly carries out research in the area of contemporary political thought and, in particular, French post-structuralism. Notable among her publications in these areas are the books Filosofías post-metafísicas. 20 años de filosofía francesa contemporáne (2012) and Kierkegaard through Derrida (USA, 2013). She was also a driving force and director of the first two events of Pensa, the Barcelona Philosophy Festival, and is presently director of the essay collection “Pensament polític postfundacional”, of the publishing house Gedisa, for which she has written the volume Jacques Derrida: sobirania (Gedisa, 2019). She has recently published the essay Mi herida existia antes que yo. Feminismo y crítica de la diferencia sexual (Tusquets, 2022).
Update: 25 April 2023