Laida Azkona
Dancer, choreographer and stage director. Established between Barcelona and Pamplona, she has trained as a dancer in London, Salzburg and New York. Since then, she has been engaged in research, creation and interpretation in the field of the living arts. In 2015, she and Txalo Toloza-Fernández created the documentary theater company AzkonaToloza. Together they have created Canto Mineral, La Colección - Pequeña Caja de Herramientas, Tierra quemada and the trilogy Pacífico, a series of works focusing on the new forms of colonialism, the barbarism over the territory and indigenous peoples of Latin America and the close relationship with the development of contemporary culture. Among other places, their works have been presented at the Grec Festival of Barcelona, Temporada Alta in Girona, Festival d'Automne, Théâtre de la Ville de Paris, RomaEuropa of Italy, La Bâtie in Geneva, FIT Cádiz, FITAM of Santiago de Chile, Mirada in São Paulo, Condeduque in Madrid, Euro-scene in Leipzig, and Museo Universitario del Chopo in Ciudad de México As an interpreter, she has worked for Francesco Scavetta in Oslo, Juschka Weigel in Berlin or Noemí Lafrance in New York. She was a member of the collective HierbaRoja and co-director of the festival INMEDIACIONES of Pamplona.
Update: 15 December 2022