Julián Rodríguez
The literary director of the publishing house Periférica, he has published his books with different groups of Random House Mondadori: in 2001 he published his debut novel, Lo improbable (The Improbable, Debate), in 2002, a volume of short novels La sombra y la penumbra (Shadow and Penumbra, Debate) and, in 2006, his second novel Ninguna necesidad (No Need, Mondadori), which was selected by the critics of the daily El País as one of the ten best works of Spanish narrative for the year. It was also awarded the "Ojo Crítico" Prize of Radio Nacional de España (Spanish National radio). These three works of fiction have recently appeared in a single volume with the title Lo improbable y otras novelas (The Improbable and Other Novels, Debolsillo).
In 2004, with Unas vacaciones baratas en la miseria de los demás (Cheap Holidays amid the Destitution of Others, published by Caballo de Troya, with a second edition in Debolsillo, 2008, and winner of the FNAC New Talent Prize), he opened a cycle of "non-fiction" books, somewhere between autobiography and essay, called Piezas de resistencia! (Pieces of Resistance!), of which the second volume, Cultivos (Crops, Mondadori) has just been published.