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Júlia Amor

Julia Amor is already an open secret: a pop-world gem who launched her first songs in the middle of the pandemic in response to the need to talk fearlessly about loving and to take up the cudgels in favour of vulnerability as a powerful transformative weapon.

Using a perfect combination of synthesisers and drum machines that place her music between synth and dream pop, the Barcelona-based Andorran made it clear with her debut EP No habrá lugar (The Won’t Be a Home) that can move easily in a pop of contrasts – influenced by artists such as Hidrogenesse, Alaska and Dinarama, Cabiria, Daniel Daniel, Carlos Berlanga and ABBA. Melodies brimming with light are intertwined with words that delve into our most innermost fears, and her pop can make us dance while we face what most makes us vulnerable.

Her first LP Lo que pensé que era el amor (What I Thought Love Was, Primavera Labels, 2023) has made Amor one of the most interesting artists in the emerging national scene. Always embracing sadness, but opening a small door to optimism, its ten songs gets us dancing to the beat of our own insecurities and shows us the way to the light amid the darkness.


Update: 13 September 2023


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