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Juli Palou

With degrees in Philosophy and Philology and a PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of Barcelona where he now lectures in Didactics of Language and Literature, he is chief researcher in the PLURAL (Plurilingüisme i aprenentatge de llengües – Pluralism and Language Learning) group and coordinator of the master’s degree course, Research in the Didactics of Language and Literature. His Amb veu de mestre. Un epistolari sobre l’experiència docent (The Educator’s Voice: An Epistolary on The Teaching Experience – Rosa Sensat, 1993),co-authored with Jaume Cela, was awarded the Rosa Sensat Prize for Pedagogy. They have also co-authored Va de mestres. Carta als mestres que comencen (About Educators: A Letter to Beginner Teachers – Rosa Sensat, 2004) and Mestres en rima lliure (Teachers in Free Verse – Rosa Sensat, 2012). Juli Palou Sangrà is also author of the work La veu de l’altre. Reflexions i experiències per educar en valors ètics (The Voice of the Other: Thoughts and Experiences for Educating in  Ethical Values – ICE-UAB, 2000), and an author of Els marges de la moral. Una mirada ètica a l’educació (Fringes of Morality: An Ethical Look at Education – Graó,2010). His PhD thesis was awarded the Alexandre Galí Prize of the Institute of Catalan Studies (IEC). Frequently working with other teachers, he has published several other works and more than fifty articles on education in language and literature. With Jaume Cela he publishes a fortnightly article on education in the supplement “Criatures” (Kids) of the newspaper Ara.

Update: 20 March 2018


Has participated in

The Generosity of Education

Lecture by Josep Maria Esquirol