Jordi Graupera
Jordi Graupera is an essayist and professor of philosophy at La Salle-Ramon Llull University. He holds a PhD from the New School for Social Research in New York. He has served as a professor and researcher in political thought, anthropology, social thought, and international relations at several American universities, including New York University, Princeton University, Saint Francis College in Brooklyn, and Stanford University. His research focuses on exposing the contradictions of liberal states when faced with fundamental disputes about human nature. He has collaborated with media outlets such as Catalunya Ràdio, El Periódico, La Vanguardia, RAC 1, BBC World, NY1 News, and The New Yorker. Through the practice of journalism and political activism, he has advocated a critical perspective regarding the political culture of his home country and the Western world. In 2019, he was a candidate for mayor of Barcelona on the ‘Barcelona és capital’ ticket. He has published the essays La supèrbia [Superbity] (2020), in the ‘Capital Sins’ series published by Fragmenta, and Estimaràs Déu sobre totes les coses [Thou Shalt Love God above All Else] (2023), in the ‘Ten Commandments’ collection by the same publishing house. He is also the author of La perplexitat [Perplexity] (Destino, 2023), an intellectual and biographical chronicle of his time in the United States.
Update: 15 December 2023