Jordi Cornudella
He is a graduate of Classical Philology and editor by profession
He has a degree in Classical Philology and has been publishing for more than thirty-five years. He is executor of the literary legacy of the brothers Gabriel Ferrater and Joan Ferrater, and patron of the J. V. Foix Foundation. He has published three books of poems, a couple of anthologies and three volumes of essays. He has also done some translations and has published several papers on ancient and modern poets. As an editor, he has collaborated closely with authors such as Quim Monzó, Sergi Pàmies, Enric Casasses, Perejaume, Toni Sala, Vicenç Pagès, Jordi Puntí, Maria Barbal and Jaume Cabré. As head of the classics and complete works area of Grup 62, he is closely involved in the edition of authors such as Joan Fuster, Joan Vinyolí, Mercè Rodoreda, Salvador Espriu, Joan Maragall, Josep Carner, Josep Pla or Joaquim Ruyra. He has edited the complete poetry of J. V. Foix and Maria-Mercè Marçal. He has also devoted himself extensively to the work of Gabriel Ferrater: he published, with Joan Ferraté, the anthology Vers i prosa [Verse and Prose] (Tres i Quatre, 1988), and, together with Núria Perpinyà, the Àlbum Ferrater [Ferrater Album] (Quaderns Crema, 1993). She has also been in charge of the critical edition of Les dones i els dies [Women and Days] (Edicions 62, 2018) and of the edition of the Curs de literatura catalana contemporània [Course of Contemporary Catalan Literature] (Empúries, 2019). He is the curator of the Gabriel Ferrater Year, and is currently preparing its edition of the complete works.
Update: 28 February 2022