Joan Yago
Playwright, artistic director of the Teatre Principal of Barcelona. He is one of the founding members of the company La Calòrica, known for engaged, critical and parodic theatre, for which he has written works such as De què parlem mentre no parlem de tota aquesta merda (2021), Feísima enfermedad y muy triste muerte de la Reina Isabel I (2010, revived in 2021), Els ocells (2018), Fairfly (2017), the Chekhov adaptation Arbres, vodka i naus voladores (2017), Sobre el fenomen de les feines de merda (2015), and l’Editto Bulgaro (2012), among others. He is the author of the plays El futur (2018) and You say tomato (2016), he participated in staging Sis personatges - Homenatge a Tomás Giner (2018) and he was a writer for the series Mai neva a ciutat on IB3 TV. His work has been recognised with the Premi Butaca for Best Text for Fairfly (2017) and with the Critics Award for Best Play or Adaptation for Sis personatges – Homenatge a Tomás Giner (2018), among other prizes.
Update: 30 December 2021