Joan-Carles Mèlich
Writer and professor of philosophy of education
He holds a PhD in Philosophy and Literature from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he is a professor of philosophy and education. For more than fifteen years he has devoted himself to elaborate an "anthropological philosophy of finitude" in its various expressions: the body, the symbol, otherness, memory, desire, contingency, silence and death.
His books include La lliçó d'Auschwitz (Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat/Herder 2001), Filosofía de la finitud (Herder, 2002), Ética de la compasión (Herder, 2010) and Lógica de la crueldad (Herder, 2014). With Lluís Duch he has published Escenaris de la corporeïtat and Ambigüitats de l'amor (ed. cat: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat/ed. cast: Trotta, 2003 and 2004).
In 2015 he began, with La lectura com a pregària (Fragmenta), the publication of his Fragments filosòfics, which have their continuation in La prosa de la vida (Fragmenta). He has also been one of the curators of the book Emparaular el món. El pensament antropològic de Lluís Duch (Fragmenta). He has directed the Biblioteca de Pensament Contemporani collection at Fragmenta since its creation in 2021.
He has recently published Contra els absoluts (Fragmenta, 2018), a book of conversations with editor Ignasi Moreta, La religió de l'ateu (Fragmenta, 2019), La sabiduría de lo incierto (Tusquets, 2019), La experiencia de la pérdida (Fragmenta, 2022), La fragilidad del mundo (Tusquets, 2022), which won the Premio Nacional de Ensayo 2022, and La condición vulnerable (Fragmenta, 2023).
Update: 15 May 2023