Javier Borràs
A freelance journalist, writer, and international relations analyst, he has a master’s degree in Public Policy from University College, London and his professional career includes his work as an advisor to the European Commission and as a researcher at the Center of Study of Democracy in Bulgaria. He was also Beijing correspondent for the EFE agency, which resulted in his book Andanzas y tribulaciones de un joven corresponsal en China (Alfabeto, 2019), in which he describes his gradual discovery of the country. He is a columnist specialising in Asian matters for the daily ARA and writes analytical pieces about China for El Pais and Esglobal. He regards China as his second home. Moreover, he has written reports from around the world and his international journalistic articles have been brought together in the book Les cicatrius de la història. Viatges pel futur i el passat d’Euràsia (2021, Bon Port).
Update: 12 December 2022