Henry Giroux
One of the founders of critical pedagogy in the United States and one of Canada’s most widely known academics, he is Professor of English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. He has been listed among the fifty most influential present-day thinkers in the domain of education and is also the main translator into English of the works of Paulo Freire, with whom he has co-edited numerous publications on critical pedagogy. Always upholding radical democracy, Giroux sees pedagogy as an essential vehicle for constricting a critical citizenry. Notable among his widely translated works are Pedagogía crítica, estudios culturales y democracia radical (Popular, 2005 – Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, and Radical Democracy), Cultura, política y práctica educativa (Graó, 2001 – Culture, Politics, and Educational Practice), and Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning (in Spanish, Los profesores como intelectuales: hacia una pedagogia crítica del aprendizaje, Paidós, 1990). Among his recent works to appear in English are American Nightmare (City Light, 2018), Disposable Futures (City Light, 2015), Neoliberalism’s War on Higher Education (Haymarket Books, 2014), and The Violence of Organized Forgetting (City Light, 2014). He is a regular contributor to the digital publication Truthout, and has received several honorary doctorates and many awards, for example the Professional Freedom and Responsibility Award of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Update: 27 March 2019