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Geert Lovink

Teacher, media theorist and internet critic

Research Professor of Interactive Media at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Professor of Media Theory at the European Graduate School and Associate Professor of New Media at the University of Amsterdam. He is the founding director of the Institute of Network Cultures, the aims of which are to explore, document and nourish the potential of the new media for bringing about social, economic and cultural change. He has written Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture (Routledge, 2007),  Networks Without a Cause: A Critique of Social Media (Polity, 2011), Social Media Abyss: Critical Internet Cultures and the Force of Negation (Polity, 2016), among others. His book Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture (Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 2002) has been published in Spanish as Fibra oscura: rastreando la cultura crítica de Internet (Tecnos, 2004). He has also published in Spanish Redes sin causa (UOCPress, 2016) and Tristes por diseño: las redes sociales como ideología (Consonni, 2019).

Update: 31 March 2023


Has participated in

Geert Lovink and Joana Moll

Democratising the Internet

Enter Forum 2014

1st. International Internet Privacy Forum

Citizenship, Internet and Democracy

A New Public Sphere?