Francesco Indovina
Professor in the Faculty of Territorial Planning at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia and in the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sassari, he was one of the drafters, in 1963, of the regional economic plan of Umbria, Italy’s first case of regional economic planning, which is Indovina’s main line of work. He is editor of two collections, “Economy” and “Studi urbani e regionali” (for the publishing house Franco Angeli Edizioni) and writes on a regular basis in different newspapers and reviews, including Archivio di studi urbani e regionali and Economia e società regionale - Oltre il ponte, of which he is also an editor and member of the editorial committee. He has authored many books, such as Il territorio derivato (Franco Angeli, 2004), Governare la città con l'urbanistica (Maggioli, 2005), La ciudad de baja intensidad (Diputació de Barcelona, 2007), Dalla città diffusa all'arcipelago metropolitano (Franco Angeli, 2009) and Nuovo lessico urbano (coord., Franco Angeli, 2009).