Florencia Montes Páez
Political scientist
Florencia Montes Páez is a political scientist specialising in political philosophy. In 2011 she founded in Buenos Aires “No Tan Distintes – Mujeres y disidencias en situación de calle” (Not So Different – Women and Dissidence When in Street Situations), which supports collective housing projects, training in trans-feminist integral and popular support, and spaces of memory, reparation, and justice. From 2015 to 2018, she was manager of Frida, the first integration centre in Argentina for cis women, trans people, transvestites, and lesbians who were living rough. She is author of the book Acompañar es político. Ensayo transfeminista sobre la situación de calle (Accompanying is Political: A Transfeminist Essay on Being on the Street, 2024).
Update: 5 November 2024