Esteve Plantada
Poet, cultural journalist, film critic, and professor of literary journalism (in the Master of Literary Journalism, Communication and Humanities at the UAB) and creative writing (Bloom School and Laboratori de Lletres). He is currently a film critic for the weekly El Temps and collaborates with TV3, RAC1, Catalunya Ràdio and La Xarxa. The impact and dialogue with cinema is one of the pillars of his poetic work, crossed by the immediacy of current events and, in turn, by a reflective serenity that permeates everything. He debuted at the age of seventeen with A l'ombra dels violins (La Magrana, 1997), Amadeu Oller Prize, and his latest books are Rastre quimera (Segle, 2022, Rosa Leveroni Prize), Troncal (Labreu, 2020), Big Bang Llàtzer (Lleonard Muntaner, 2016, Pare Colom Mediterranean Poetry Prize) and Fosca Límit (Adia Edicions, 2015). He has been included in about ten national and international anthologies, and has been translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Basque and Serbian. He has participated in festivals such as the Marché de la Poésie de Paris (2010), the Cambridge Revival Floral Games (2014), the Mediterranean Poetry Festival in Palma (2015) or the Festival International de la poésie de Trois-Rivières du Québec (2018), among others
Update: 19 January 2023