David Leo García
David Leo García (Malaga, 1988) holds a degree in Spanish. At the age of 17 years he won the Hiperión Prize for Urbi et orbi (2006), becoming the youngest prize-winner in its history. He is also the autor of Dime qué (DVD, 2011; RIL Editores, 2018) and Nueve meses sin lenguaje (Ultramarinos, 2018). During the 2007/2008 academic year, he was given a scholarship at the Antonio Gala Foundation in Cordoba. Examples of his poetry have been published recently in various journals, generational tales, and anthologies such as La inteligencia y el hacha (2010) by Luis Antonio de Villena and Tenían veinte años y estaban locos (2011) by Luna Miguel. He currently lives in Barcelona, where he studies Literary Theory.
Update: 7 October 2020