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David Caño

David Caño was born in Olot in 1980 and has lived in Barcelona since the age of eighteen. He is a dissident and combative writer who has taken the baton from authors such as Papasseit, Maria Mercè Marçal and Joan Brossa and the counter-culture of the 1960s and 1970s, with reference figures such as Pere Marcilla, Guy Debord and Raoul Vaneigem.

He has published eight books of poetry and performed hundreds of recitals throughout the Catalan territories, either solo or as part of musical shows such as those in collaboration with Meritxell Gené, Branques del capvespre, udols a l’horabaixa, or with Borja Penalba and David Fernàndez, Un temps, una estima, una idea, as part of the band Ovidi3―which recently became Ovidi4 after integrating Valencian singer Mireia Vives for their show Cuidem-nos. The group also devised the show Nictàlgia en el cel elèctric, which led them to perform in various European cities such as Zadar, Zagreb, Brno, Berlin, Brussels, Paris, Lyon and Mannheim.

In addition, he’s collaborated (or still collaborates) as a journalist with several publications including Benzina, Directa, L’Accent, El Punt Avui, Núvol, Crític and Illacrua. He was awarded the Barcelona Jocs Florals Award in 2019 for his collection of poems Un cos preciós per destruir (A precious body to destroy).

Update: 13 April 2021



Has participated in

Primera Persona 2021

“Scars” special