Daniele Mencarelli
Daniele Mencarelli was born in Rome in 1974. He is a poet and storyteller. He made his debut as a novelist in 2018 with La casa degli sguardi (Mondadori), a work that inaugurates a trilogy of autobiographical novels and won the Volponi Prize and, in the first novel category, the Severino Cesari Prize and the John Fante Prize. Tutto chiede salvezza (Mondadori, 2020) is his second work and was shortlisted for Italy's most important prize, the Strega. He did not win it, but the powerful story of Daniele and his friends did not go unnoticed by the more than five hundred young people who form the jury of the Strega Giovani who, indeed, awarded it as it deserved. Mencarelli writes television scripts and collaborates with several Italian newspapers and magazines writing about culture and society.
Update: 4 July 2022