Cristina Romera Castillo
With a PhD in Sea Sciences and Oceanography, she studies the oceanic carbon cycle and the impact of microplastics on the sea
Cristina Romera Castillo is an oceanographer and works at the Institut de Ciències del Mar (Institute of Marine Sciences)-CSIC, Barcelona. She has a degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Sea Sciences and her area of research is the oceanic carbon cycle. She is presently studying the impact of microplastics on marine systems and the carbon cycle, analysing how bacteria can help to break down microplastics. She is the author of AntropOcéano: Cuidar los mares para salvar la vida (AnthropOcean: Looking after Seas to Save Lives, Espasa, 2022), in which she describes the problems presently affecting oceans and the measures being taken to remedy them.
Cristina Romera has received several national and international prizes, notable among which are the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science award in 2019 (for her work in the struggle against climate change and in defence of biodiversity), the Raymond L. Lindeman Award of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography-ASLO in 2020 (which is given for outstanding papers dealing with the aquatic sciences), and the L’Oréal-UNESCO International Rising Talents award, which recognises 15 women scientists from among the 250 chosen by the For Women in Science programme.
Update: 21 June 2023