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Cristina Nombela

With a doctorate in Neuroscience and working in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, she is a researcher in the Faculty of Psychology at the Autonomous University of Madrid. Her main area of specialisation is cognitive impairment due to Parkinson’s disease and she has carried out research in this domain at several academic centres including the University of Cambridge, the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, and the Autonomous University of Murcia. She is co-author, with Elena Giné and Fernando De Castro, of the article «Las científicas "invisibles"  de la escuela de Cajal» (The “Invisible” Women Scientists in the Cajal School, Investigación y ciencia, 2022) about the women who worked with Ramón y Cajal.

Update: 5 July 2022

Has participated in

Ramón y Cajal: When Art Becomes Science

Salvador Macip and Cristina Nombela

Brain maps

The legacy of Ramón y Cajal