Anna Maria Villalonga
Writer and professor
With a degree in Hispanic and Catalan Philology, Anna Maria Villalonga is a professor and researcher at the University of Barcelona. She is the author of the novels La dona de gris (Llibres del Delicte, 2014), El somriure de Darwin (Llibres del Delicte, 2017) and Els dits dels arbres (Bromera, 2019) as well as the short story anthology Contes per a les nits de lluna plena (Apatroph, 2018). She has a long list of stories published in magazines and anthologies and various collections. In 2018 she was named by the Government of the Generalitat as Commissioner of the Pedrolo Year, which commemorated the centenary of the birth of the Catalan writer. She currently sits on the Board of the Pedrolo Foundation and collaborates in various media.
Update: 18 July 2022