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Aníbal G. Arregui

Aníbal G. Arregui is a researcher and professor in the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Barcelona. Inspired by ethnographic fieldwork spanning from the Amazon to Europe, his research focuses on the critique and deconstruction of concepts central to Western technoscience. His scientific work highlights the limits and ethnocentric biases of concepts such as “technology,” “ecology,” “species,” and “intelligence,” which he proposes to reopen from a pluralistic epistemology. Although his research is primarily published in specialized scientific journals, his book Infraespecie: del fin de la naturaleza al futuro salvaje (Alianza, 2024) presents some of his ideas in a format accessible to a broad audience.

Update: 30 October 2024


Has participated in

Nukuri kahtiro turi: the plant world

Talk with João Paulo Lima Barreto and Karen Shiratori