Amelia Gamoneda
Amelia Gamoneda Lanza is a teacher of French at the Universidad de Salamanca, translator and literary critic for Revista de Libros. For a long time, she has geared her research towards the perspective of the incidence of the body in writing. In a second phase, this research led to the study of poetic thinking in convergence with the cognitive sciences and recent neuroscientific advances, giving rise to the publication of the book Del animal poema (2016) and the directing of the collective publications Espectro de la analogía (2015), Inscriptions littéraires de la science (2016, with Víctor Bermúdez), Idea súbita. Ensayos sobre epifanía creativa (2018, with Francisco González) and En torno a la lectura: signo, fenómeno, cognición (Signa, 2019, with Manuel Glez. de Ávila).
The convergence of literature and science is also included in the special issues she has directed, Metáfora y ciencia for Revista de Occidente (July-August 2016) and Literatura y ciencia for El cuaderno (2017). More specifically, on epistemological criticism, she coordinated the special titled La epistemocrítica en España (Épistémocritique, 2017, with Francisco González). She manages the Recognised Research Group (GIR) ILICIA (“Literary Inscriptions of Science”) of the University of Salamanca (USUAL) and its Research Projects.
Update: 8 May 2019