Aina Torres Rexach
Poet and writer
She has published Dones Rebels. Històries contra el silenci (Sembra Llibres, 2019), the book of poems Baula de la nit (Pagès Editors, 2018), the anthology Manual de Pedrolo (Amsterdam. Ara Llibres, 2018), the biography Montserrat Roig. La memòria viva (Sembra Llibres, 2016) and Dos hiverns i un incendi (Viena Edicions, 2014), a book of poems that won the Martí Dot Poetry Prize of Sant Feliu de Llobregat. She has created the poetic music shows Tinta i desordre; La mirada violeta. Marçal i Roig; Després de la pluja and Versos, jazz i incendis. She also created the poetry spectacle Parlen les dones, which recovers the work of women poets from Catalan-speaking regions. She was a member of the jury of the Martí Dot Poetry Prize for two years and the Maria Oleart Poetry Prize.
Update: 15 July 2021