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The ideal city (Ideas around Public Health)

Soy Cámara online

What is a healthy city like, or what should it be like? What are its defining characteristics? How is it gauged? How healthy is Barcelona? What are the principal challenges and goals to be met in the field? This programme offers some ideas and reflections on the concept of health in the urban context in the form of conversations with specialists. With the participation of Carolyn Daher (Coordinator of the Urban Planning, Environment and Health Initiative at ISGlobal), Salvador Rueda (Director of the Agència d’Ecologia Urbana de Barcelona), Mark Nieuwenhuijsen (lecturer and researcher at ISGlobal), Isabelle Anguelovski (ICREA research lecturer at the UAB), Janet Sanz (Head of the Department of Ecology, Urban Planning and Mobility at Barcelona City Council) and Olga Margalef (spokesperson of the Plataforma per la Qualitat de l'Aire).

Script, direction and production: Morrosko Vila-Sanjuán
Language: English, Catalan, Spanish
Subtitles: Spanish

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24 February 2017