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The Influencers 2013

Unconventional Art, Guerrilla Communication, Radical Entertainment

Lucia Calvo

Interview with Bani Brusadin

Director of "The Influencers" festival

Bani Brusadin, director of The Influencers festival dedicated to non conventional art, guerrilla communication and radical entertainment features artists participating in the 2013 edition: Chim ↑ Pom, SAM3, Paolo Cirio, Aram Bartholl, Tellervo Kalleinen and John Law.

The Influencers 2013


An anomalous, intense, impassioned festival that explores a little-known territory that exists between art, communication technologies and the dynamics of the collective imagination. At the heart of Influencers we find bold projects that break with the normality of urban space, open breaches ...